My creative and design practices work to support innovative and social change-oriented organizations, and individuals who communicate their ideas to their communities and networks.
I have developed and designed social media accounts (check out @cocreatingpower on Instagram) and assets, reports, marketing materials, newsletters, learning tools, and other documents (see my portfolio linked below) to support individuals and organizations in sharing their stories and data.
I am open to whatever creative, collaborative projects you might need support with!
Seeking to support the labor of editors of color, I am working alongside Nightboat staff to develop a book project of my choosing over the course of two (2) years, an exploration of ancestry and recorded life that approaches historiography and archiving as a communal, radical practice. We believe that working with her will bring us into new and challenging editorial waters.
Nightboat panelists Chris Chen, Nicole Wallace, Paradis Books & Bread Collective, and William Johnson, alongside the Nightboat staff, felt honored to read the wealth of project proposals received, which were inspiring and diverse in their formal, political, and aesthetic concerns.
Through this pilot program, funded by a grant from LitTAP: New York State Council on the Arts Literary Technical Assistance Program, we plan to explore possibilities for a new editorial model that takes into account community input and that expands access to editorial decision-making to those of diverse circumstances and identifications.#blackvoicesmatter #blacklivesmatter
I edited Puerto del Sol's Black Voices Series from 2015 until 2022. Fighting against the cultural erasure & violent silencing of black perspectives in general, & the specific dearth of black writers in today's literary landscape, the Black Voices Series aimed to lend a platform to black-identified writers and multi-modal artists. Our aim was to hold space. To foster community. To loudly proclaim that our voices are worthy &that our words are magic, in a world quick to deny those truths. We thank those who sent us their work for trusting that we would honor it.
#blackvoicesmatter #blacklivesmatter

All of the writers in this project are femmes/womxn of color who live with neurodivergence and their voices are powerful and necessary. Some of them chose to write about their experiences existing with a body that is neurally atypical, some sent in work that focused on their family experiences, others explored a lover’s gaze or their loving gaze on themselves. Their work is emblematic in just one way: Art from femmes/womxn of color who identify as neurodivergent or mentally ill rejects a single narrative. There is no one focus that we are held to, and there is no overarching aim of our work. This folio is a disco ball of topics, no single mirrored face refracts the world in the same way.
Invisible Weight demands space for those whose voices are intersectionally marginalized, whose brains and hearts and skin are used as weapons against them. They refuse that weaponization, and this work is labor of their love(s) and ability. What a blessing it is to share in that love. What a cure. A special thanks to each contributor for their trust and labor, and to Kayla and Axel for everything else.